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The Environmental Challenges And Sustainable Solutions For Endangered Animals | Forbes Middle East

Forbes Middle East article explores the challenges these creatures face and the solutions we can implement to protect them.

This Forbes Middle East article dives deep into the environmental challenges endangered animals face, including crocodiles. But there’s hope! The article explores solutions we can all implement to protect them.

At Dubai Crocodile Park, we are committed to protecting these incredible creatures. Through education and responsible practices, we help ensure a brighter future for crocodiles and other endangered species.

Click here to read more about the Forbes Middle East Article

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Winter Season at Dubai Crocodile Park

Winter brings a whole new experience in the park!

In the warmer months you wouldn’t believe that we have 250 crocodiles living here as most of them stay in the water to cool down! They do however have a great feeding response and it’s always a treat to see them being fed!

But with the lower temperatures comes lower crocodile appetites. This means that naturally they don’t generally eat in the colder months.

We are, however, spoilt with all the crocodiles on the banks outside of the water, which is a great opportunity for all photography fanatics! Sipping a coffee on the terrace while enjoying the crocodile dominated views, meeting the baby crocodiles, and meandering along the paths to the crocodile museum and aquarium, ensures an experience like no other in Dubai!

Come and see our latest additions to our family in the museum as well as meeting our cuties in the daily by crocodile encounters!

Click here to book your tickets